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Tips for Kids Overcoming Performance Anxiety

Stage fright can feel like a big, scary monster, especially for ourSOME little ones, who tend to be on the shyer side. But fear not, dear parents; with the right strategies, an optimistic mindset, and a sprinkle of encouragement, we can help our budding musicians and performers conquer those fears/jitters and shine brightly.

Overcoming Performance Anxiety

Anxiety is like that uninvited guest crashing the party, making everything feel a bit overwhelming. Performance anxiety isn’t an emotion only children deal with; we can all relate to it time and again. For most of us, conquering performance anxiety, whether it’s playing an instrument or giving a quarterly earnings statement in front of a boardroom, takes time and experience. Through experience, confidence is built, and confidence helps conquer performance anxiety. But, some are more prone to this type of anxiety than others. 

So, why do some kids get extra jittery about performing when others do not? Well, it’s a mix of nature and nurture. From temperament to genetics and learned behaviors, various factors are at play. The important thing is to understand that it’s okay to feel anxious, and it doesn’t mean anything is wrong. 

Empathy is a superpower when it comes to helping our kids tackle performance anxiety. Instead of brushing off their worries with phrases like “Don’t worry about it” or “You’ll be fine,” let’s acknowledge their feelings and offer unwavering support. A simple, “I understand that this feels tricky, but I believe in you. How can we work together to make it easier?” can work wonders in easing their nerves.

Taking Tiny Steps Towards Big Triumphs

Encourage your child to face their fears gradually. Maybe they start by sharing their talents with you at home, then move on to performing for a small group of friends or family members. The key is to keep moving forward, one small victory at a time.

Instead of fixating on perfection, let’s celebrate the effort our kids put into facing their fears; this is exactly where Jammin With You’s SuperJAMS program comes into play. SuperJAMS is Jammin With You’s version of an open mic night or recital for our students ready to take their talents to the stage and share their hard work with a supportive crowd. 

We have found great success with our students when they’re motivated to practice and level up their talents for a SuperJAM recital. We remind our students, “If you are nervous about your recital, it means you care.” Some anxiety can be a great motivator, and it’s important for kids to learn that life is full of moments where we need to step out of our comfort zone to rise to the challenge. Performance anxiety can be overcome when its energy is repurposed into positive motivations to strive for moments of success! 

Helping our shy stars overcome performance anxiety isn’t just about conquering the stage; it’s about empowering them to embrace their talents and confidently shine. So, let’s cheer them on, shower them with love and support, and watch as they embark on an incredibly rewarding journey through the world of music. 

Click the links to learn more about our children’s music lessons, group singing lessons, or music classes for babies if they are a little younger! 

Music is a great avenue to build confidence and develop useful skills for life’s scarier moments – so book your child’s lessons today!
