Animal Safari (learn the piano keys)
“Animal Safari” is a fun game to reinfoce note learning, and low/high relationships on the piano. For this game, you will need 2-7 toy animals. Many students already own these, or they can be found at the dollar store or toy section of CVS. Because the game is based on a story you tell, it can last for whatever length of time you choose – making it a great game to pull out if you have a few minutes left at the end of the lesson.
How to Play
Option #1 (for students who know all or most of the notes):
1. Pick two notes on opposite ends of the piano for two animals to start on. Then tell a story about the animals trying to get eachother – the more animated the story the better. Keep bringing the animals closer together to the middle of the piano until they reach the same note and one gets the other one (or for the sensitive student – they hug and become friends :-)) This is also a great chance to reinforce which direction is lower and higher on the piano, be sure to include this in your instructions.
“It’s lunchtime and the tiger is sooo hungry, he sees the rabbit and jumps up one octave to A”
“The rabbit is very sneaky and sees a cave to hide in on Eb, he jumps down as quick as he can”
Option #2 (for students just learning the notes):
Use 7 animals and pick a key to put the animals on spaced an octave apart (i.e have your student place an animal on every D). Then have them push each key strongly to make the animals “jump.” Continue for all notes they are learning.