Board Games that can be Played Online
May 19, 2020
Rock Cod – Reinforce aural recognition of Major and Minor pentascales (note: could also be played with major/minor chords)
2. Cob Lobster – Reinforce aural recognition of 6/8 and 4/4 tim…

Communicating Assignments to Students and Parents
May 1, 2020
This tip comes from our awesome teacher Belen! Keeping a folder for each student in Dropbox or Google Drive will allow students and parents to easily access screen shares and assignments from each…
Games You Can Play on Online
May 1, 2020
Duets: record yourself playing and send over to the student, give them instructions on how to practice with a recording and have them perform for you during lesson
Improvising game: Have a m…

Optimal Zoom Settings and Camera Angles
May 1, 2020
Are you having issues with sound cutting out, difficulty hearing, feedback, etc? Here are pictures of the audio settings you and your student should be using for best music experien…
Music Apps
April 17, 2020
Musical Me An iOS app for younger kids that teaches and reinforces fundamental components including notes, rhythm, and pitch.
Piano Adventures Sightreading Coach: Wo…
Piano Songs for Online Lessons (ALL LEVELS)
March 19, 2020
Pre-Reading Bundle – Includes 8 pre-reading songs with big notes and pictures.
Hot Cross Buns – Great first song for new students
Polar Bear – Love this tune, awesome jazzy du…
Tips for Successful Online Lessons
March 13, 2020
Ideally you will set yourself up facing the student with a tripod that can easily show view of your hands and face. Be sure that you and the student are both in qu…