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Author: Dan Cropper

Starting a Kids Band – What Should I Know?

Forming a Kids Band Requires a Strong Foundation

It’s a tale as old as time. A child sees a band performing on stage, on TV, or online, and the inspiration hits them like a bolt of lightning! They want to start a band. Whether it’s the Rolling Stones or The Wiggles, most children experience that moment of witnessing a rock band and picture how cool and fun it looks to be in a band. Therefore, they want to experience it for themselves. 

We always encourage children to follow their sparks of inspiration, but before your child starts a kids’ band, it’s essential to ensure they have a solid foundation in music. Private music classes offer the perfect opportunity for your child to learn the fundamentals of rhythm, melody, and harmony. With one-on-one instruction, they can progress at their own pace and receive personalized guidance from experienced instructors. When these foundations and skills are solidified, the likelihood of forming a kids’ band and having it last more than a few sessions greatly increases. 

Jammin With You’s early education programs are specifically designed to help children aged 3-7 develop musical skills in a fun and engaging environment. These programs lay the groundwork for future success in a band by instilling a love and understanding of music from an early age.

Join the JamBAND Program

Having an experienced leader at the helm is crucial when starting a band. That’s where our JamBAND program comes in! Led by multi-instrumentalist instructors, JamBAND provides students with the technical instruction and guidance to ensure the band thrives.

In addition to learning how to play together as a group, students in the JamBAND program can explore different musical styles and collaborate with fellow musicians – they can even try playing different instruments if they have the ability. Our arrangements allow students of all skill levels to join and play in the same band, making it a fun and inclusive experience for everyone involved.

Rehearse and Perform

Once your child’s band is formed, it’s time to start rehearsing and performing! At Jammin With You, we provide state-of-the-art facilities and top-notch equipment to help young musicians hone their skills. With dedicated rehearsal spaces and experienced instructors, your child will be well-equipped to take the stage and showcase their talents.

With regular performance opportunities, your child can gain valuable stage experience and build confidence as a performer. Forming a band is not just about the skill sets as a musician; it takes experience to build a cohesive presence with other kids on stage, which is why we created the jamBAND program. 

Starting a Kids Band – A Kids Band Does Not Exist in Isolation!

Just as participating in multiple team sports helps kids develop various athletic skills, playing in multiple bands can significantly enhance their musical abilities and versatility. At Jammin With You, students have the opportunity to play in as many bands as they want, allowing them to learn new skills and broaden their musical tastes.

Starting a band is a fun and fulfilling hobby and an opportunity for your child to learn, grow, and thrive as a musician. With the support of experienced instructors and the camaraderie of fellow bandmates, your child will embark on a musical journey that will enrich their lives for years to come. With jamBAND, our goal is to help kids build the skills and gain the group experience needed so they can eventually join/start many bands of their own down the road. 
Contact us with any questions

Kids Chorus – How Do I Know if My Child Is Ready?

Throughout most of the day, kids are told to quiet down and use their indoor voices, but in the kids’ chorus, they get to let their voices soar! The chorus is a place where showcasing vocal range is not only encouraged but celebrated. 

Is your child itching to express themselves and find a passion other than playing a sport or jamming on a musical instrument? Well, perhaps singing in a kids’ chorus is just the ticket! 

Forge Lifelong Friendships in a Kids’ Chorus Group

Joining a chorus isn’t just about singing but building long-lasting friendships. With over 42 million Americans singing in choruses, kids will find new buddies who share their passion for music and song. The excitement of performing together creates a unique bond like no other, and we see it all the time in our music programs.

Did you know that some of the biggest stars in the world, like Beyoncé and Hugh Jackman, started their careers singing in school and church choruses? Even former President Obama was once a choral singer! Chorus allows kids to start something they’ll cherish and enjoy for life while discovering their potential as musicians.

Kids Chorus – Enhance Academic Performance

Group singing classes aren’t just about musical arrangements; they can help kids excel in the classroom. Reading music, memorizing lyrics, and singing aloud all contribute to improved communication skills, increased vocabulary, and enhanced language abilities. Plus, the memorization strategies learned in group singing can be applied to other subjects.

Many choruses go on tours to exciting and faraway places, allowing kids to see the world and experience different cultures through music classes. Some choruses even compete in national competitions in other states.

Boost Self-Confidence

Standing up and singing in front of an audience takes guts and confidence, but kids don’t have to do it alone in the chorus. They stand alongside their peers, knowing their participation helps create a sense of communal pride and spirit. This boost in self-confidence carries over into other areas of their lives, empowering them to try new things.

No Equipment Needed for a Kids Chorus

Unlike other musical activities, chorus requires nothing more than your child’s voice and dedication! It’s a hassle-free way for kids to participate in music and explore their talents without great expense.

FAQs: Getting Started in a Kids Chorus

  • Does my child need musical experience to participate? Not at all! Choruses welcome kids of all skill levels and backgrounds. Our experienced instructors are here to provide the voice lessons your child needs to be a successful standout in a chorus. 

  • What if my child could be a better singer? Everyone has the potential to sing, and our trained vocal instructors are here to help your child unlock their musical abilities. Whether they need help overcoming vocal issues or learning to match pitches, we have the expertise to guide them every step of the way.

  • What’s the time commitment to be in a chorus? Most choruses rehearse for 1-2 hours per week, with some practicing up to 5-6 hours per week. Additionally, chorus singers are expected to practice independently to enhance their skills and musical progress.

Joining a chorus is an incredibly rewarding experience that can positively impact your child’s life for years to come – so why wait!? Sign your child up for private vocal lessons or group singing lessons today and see if they catch the signing bug; the chorus will be waiting for them whenever they’re ready. 

Contact us with any questions.

Our Most Popular Nursery Rhyme Videos!

Nursery rhymes aren’t just catchy tunes but powerful tools for early childhood development! Each rhyme has a unique lesson, and kids naturally gravitate towards their fun/distinctive qualities. 

Let’s review some of the skills and lessons in nursery rhymes, highlighting the pieces we’ve produced for our Jammin With You YouTube channel, and discuss why each one is a hit and resonates with kids and toddlers!

What Nursery Rhyme Videos Can Teach

  • Learning Numbers Through Song

The next time you’re jammin’ with your little one, remember to include a round of This Old Man for some mathematical fun! It’s a fun melody and a fantastic way to introduce numbers to young children! As kids sing along, they effortlessly learn to count from one to ten, boosting their numeracy skills in a playful and engaging manner. 

  • Fine Motor Skills in Motion

Open & Shut Them isn’t just a sweet rhyme; it’s an exercise for practicing fine motor skills! As kids mimic opening and closing their hands to the rhythm of the song, they strengthen the muscles in their fingers and improve dexterity. Plus, it’s a ton of fun to wiggle those fingers to the beat!

  • Music and Memory Go Hand in Hand

Like the alphabet song, Twinkle Twinkle is a beloved classic that teaches essential lessons about melody, rhythm, and memory. As kids sing along to the familiar tune, they reinforce their understanding of musical concepts while also enhancing their ability to memorize lyrics. It’s a win-win for musical development and cognitive skills—music and memory go hand in hand!

  • A Workout for Body and Mind

Wheels On The Bus is a catchy tune that is a full-body workout for kids! As they sing and act out the motions of the bus ride, they’re practicing both fine and gross motor skills. From spinning wheels to swaying trees, every verse offers a new opportunity for physical activity and imaginative play.

  • Cultivating Gratitude Through Song

Thanks a Lot isn’t just a simple rhyme; it’s a heartfelt expression of appreciation and gratitude. As kids sing about being thankful for their blessings, they learn important lessons about manners and gratitude. It’s a great reminder to count our blessings and show appreciation for the people and things we cherish.

Unlocking the Magic with Nursery Rhyme Videos

At Jammin With You, we cherish the power of music in early childhood development. That’s why we’re proud to offer a wide range of programs, including our jamBABY classes, designed to introduce babies to the joy of music from an early age. 

From group singing classes to learning to express feelings through music, we’re committed to providing fun and fulfilling experiences that boost confidence and help children feel good about themselves.

So whether you’re singing along to nursery rhymes at home or joining us for one of our music classes for babies, we invite you to join us on this incredible musical journey. 

Get in touch with us today!

Musical Instruments for Kids and How to Help Them Choose

Incorporating music into your child’s life is not just about learning notes and melodies; it’s about fostering creativity, building confidence, and enhancing useful skills in all avenues of life. However, selecting the right instrument can be a bit overwhelming, especially for an indecisive child and inexperienced parent. Fear not! We’ve got some fantastic tips to guide you through this process.

Choosing the Right Instruments for Kids | Understanding Your Child’s Ability/Personality

Most parents understand their child’s personality; raising them from infancy does this! The key to helping kids choose the right instrument is to best match their personality, dexterity, and physical abilities to an instrument that won’t leave them wanting to quit because it’s too difficult to play. 

Simply put, some instruments are better suited for kids starting their music-learning journey than others. We wouldn’t start a 5-year-old with a bassoon simply because they like the shape, right? It is possible to suggest instruments to children that match their abilities and personalities without simply instructing them on what to play. 

For example, Is your little one full of energy and zest? Percussion could be the perfect fit. Get that energy out while learning the foundational skills of keeping a beat! For the more contemplative souls, the gentle strumming of a loog guitar or the serene keys of a piano might resonate better! 

Great Instruments to Start With:

The Loog Guitar – we’re big fans of the Loog Guitar at Jammin With You. With three strings instead of the traditional six, the loog is a simplified string experience that is approachable, engaging, and fun for young learners! Because of its smaller size and lightweight construction, kids are more comfortable holding the instrument, which can be a barrier for full-sized guitars for young kids. 

Percussive Instruments—If your little one is excited about playing a drumset, it’s usually best to start with smaller, less complex percussion instruments, such as a solo snare drum, bongos, tambourines, or even maracas. Because of noise levels and spatial constraints, drumsets typically need their own dedicated room, so before jumping headfirst into a full set, understand if your child takes to liking percussion fundamentals.

Piano—Unlike any other instrument, the piano has the unique ability to visually represent music theory in a straightforward manner that young children can understand/absorb. Core musical concepts, like melody, harmony, and rhythm, are laid out in front of the child linearly, with keys at their fingertips; this is why children will start the piano even as young as four years old

Exploring Long-Term Opportunities

Sit down with your child and explore the long-term opportunities associated with each instrument. From joining orchestras to forming bands, playing an instrument opens doors to exciting adventures. By envisioning the future together, you can help your child see the boundless potential awaiting them on their musical journey!

Of course, you can always ask our talented team of instructors for advice on where to start with your child. 

Contact us with any questions.

Tips for Kids Overcoming Performance Anxiety

Stage fright can feel like a big, scary monster, especially for ourSOME little ones, who tend to be on the shyer side. But fear not, dear parents; with the right strategies, an optimistic mindset, and a sprinkle of encouragement, we can help our budding musicians and performers conquer those fears/jitters and shine brightly.

Overcoming Performance Anxiety

Anxiety is like that uninvited guest crashing the party, making everything feel a bit overwhelming. Performance anxiety isn’t an emotion only children deal with; we can all relate to it time and again. For most of us, conquering performance anxiety, whether it’s playing an instrument or giving a quarterly earnings statement in front of a boardroom, takes time and experience. Through experience, confidence is built, and confidence helps conquer performance anxiety. But, some are more prone to this type of anxiety than others. 

So, why do some kids get extra jittery about performing when others do not? Well, it’s a mix of nature and nurture. From temperament to genetics and learned behaviors, various factors are at play. The important thing is to understand that it’s okay to feel anxious, and it doesn’t mean anything is wrong. 

Empathy is a superpower when it comes to helping our kids tackle performance anxiety. Instead of brushing off their worries with phrases like “Don’t worry about it” or “You’ll be fine,” let’s acknowledge their feelings and offer unwavering support. A simple, “I understand that this feels tricky, but I believe in you. How can we work together to make it easier?” can work wonders in easing their nerves.

Taking Tiny Steps Towards Big Triumphs

Encourage your child to face their fears gradually. Maybe they start by sharing their talents with you at home, then move on to performing for a small group of friends or family members. The key is to keep moving forward, one small victory at a time.

Instead of fixating on perfection, let’s celebrate the effort our kids put into facing their fears; this is exactly where Jammin With You’s SuperJAMS program comes into play. SuperJAMS is Jammin With You’s version of an open mic night or recital for our students ready to take their talents to the stage and share their hard work with a supportive crowd. 

We have found great success with our students when they’re motivated to practice and level up their talents for a SuperJAM recital. We remind our students, “If you are nervous about your recital, it means you care.” Some anxiety can be a great motivator, and it’s important for kids to learn that life is full of moments where we need to step out of our comfort zone to rise to the challenge. Performance anxiety can be overcome when its energy is repurposed into positive motivations to strive for moments of success! 

Helping our shy stars overcome performance anxiety isn’t just about conquering the stage; it’s about empowering them to embrace their talents and confidently shine. So, let’s cheer them on, shower them with love and support, and watch as they embark on an incredibly rewarding journey through the world of music. 

Click the links to learn more about our children’s music lessons, group singing lessons, or music classes for babies if they are a little younger! 

Music is a great avenue to build confidence and develop useful skills for life’s scarier moments – so book your child’s lessons today!

Music and Autism – How It Can Help Children With ASD

Music isn’t just about beats and melodies; it’s a language that speaks to the soul! For kids on the autism spectrum, music can open doors and create outlets of expression, communication, and connections like nothing else. 

Let’s discuss how listening to music and making music can be powerful/positive ways to help our incredible kids with ASD discover outlets to better interact with the world around them.

Music and Autism – Emotional Regulations

For kids with ASD who may struggle with expressing emotions and communicating, music can have profound benefits.

Imagine emotions as colorful paints waiting to be splashed onto a canvas. Some of us have finite control over our emotional canvas, but that’s not the case for all. For kids with ASD, expressing these emotions might feel like navigating a maze. For some children with ASD, regulating emotional ups and downs is a challenge every day, but with music, they can find their paintbrush. Through melodies and rhythms, they can paint their feelings, expressing emotions through music without needing to say a word. Kids can learn to self-regulate emotions with the aid of music. 

Memory and Music

Memory is like a treasure chest filled with life’s moments, big and small. For some kids with ASD, music becomes the key to unlocking those memories; whether it’s a favorite song from childhood or a tune that brings comfort, music can spark memories and ignite a sense of familiarity and connection—memory and music are correlated!

Every budding musician needs a mentor, and for kids with ASD, private music lessons can be a beacon of guidance and support! In these one-on-one sessions, they not only learn to play instruments but also build confidence, boost self-esteem, and discover the joy of creating music that resonates with their feelings. 

Let the Music Play

Music isn’t just about hitting the right notes; it’s about striking chords in the hearts of our amazing kids with ASD. Through expressing emotions and nurturing their talents, we can help them embark on an incredibly rewarding journey of self-discovery and growth. 

So, turn up the volume, let the music play, and watch as our incredible kids shine brighter than ever!

Get in touch with us today!

Memory and Music Go Hand-in-Hand

If you want to give your little one’s mind an engaging exercise, turn up the tunes! Music has a unique ability to stimulate the brain, providing a total workout that extends its benefits throughout their lives. Research has illuminated the effects of music on various aspects of our well-being. Not only does it reduce anxiety, but it also enhances sleep, mood, alertness, and, most notably, memory! Let’s explore this a little more. 

Memory and Music: Enhancing Recall

Music is important for childhood development. With its structural, mathematical, and architectural foundations, music challenges the brain to engage in complex computations. The relationship between notes requires significant cognitive effort, making music an extraordinary ally in enhancing memory.

Truly, the brain-music connection is a fascinating subject. Johns Hopkins researchers have observed jazz and other performers improvise their music inside an MRI machine to decipher which areas of their brains light up during the creative process. The findings tell us that music helps the brain activate in multiple areas; music helps the brain communicate and develop pathways within itself. 

Everyday Brain Boosts: Fun and Fulfilling Habits

To keep the brains of our little ones active, it’s essential to introduce new musical experiences. Experts recommend exploring exposure to a diverse array of music genres and breaking away from familiar tunes. The brain benefits from the challenge of understanding new sounds, providing a jump-start to creativity!

Understanding how the body reacts to different forms of music is key. Just as children’s music lessons are tailored to their developmental needs, babies can benefit from choosing music that resonates with their perceived preferences. What helps one concentrate might be distracting to another, highlighting the importance of selecting music that works best.

Memory and Music – A Priceless Gift For All Ages

The importance of music for childhood development and beyond is undeniable. From children’s music classes that lay the foundation for cognitive growth to the ongoing benefits adults reap as they age, the harmonious symphony of memory and music enriches our lives in incredibly rewarding ways.

So, let the beats play on, and may music continue to be an integral part of our children’s and our lives. 

Join us on this journey of fun, learning, and music exploration! Don’t forget to contact us with questions and check out our YouTube page.

Learn Through Music – The Magic of Sound and Rhythm!

The love of music and the endless journey of learning starts young! Babies and toddlers who attend Jammin With You’s JamBaby classes are introduced to the magic of music very early on, six months old in some cases. Yes, our babies can JAM before they can walk! 

Engaging in music classes for babies lays the foundation for their developmental milestones, tapping into the innate joy music brings, which is why we curate music classes for children at such young ages. 

Our littlest learners start discovering the world through rhythmic activities, aiding the development of their gross motor skills. These classes’ joyful tunes and movement activities create a fun and fulfilling hobby for our tiniest musicians.

Learn Through Music and Have Fun Doing So

As children progress into the preschool and early elementary years, group music classes become a vibrant platform for skill development. We emphasize fostering fine motor skills, decision-making, name recognition, and other cognitive skills; all wrapped up in the lively world of music!

This research project by the Institute of Education Sciences highlights the advantages of musical strategies in enhancing memory recall. Our group music classes align with these findings, incorporating techniques like phonemic training, mnemonics, and setting desired skills to familiar tunes. With our dynamic music classes, kids don’t just learn melodies; they cultivate cognitive abilities crucial for their overall development; this approach helps them feel good about themselves, laying the groundwork for a positive learning journey, and of course, it’s tons of fun, too!

Private Music Lessons for Developing Musicians

For our older students in their early double-digits, we shift the focus to more personalized learning experiences through private music lessons. While still infusing an enthusiastic and encouraging tone, these lessons address individual needs, allowing kids to explore their musical passions and address specific needs one-on-one.

Research has shown that music exposure enhances memory recall and increases brain function, promoting higher-order thinking. In our private music lessons, our students not only excel in learning music but also build character, learn a different/positive way to express their emotions and transfer their learned skills across the curriculum and into their personal lives.

Jammin With You: Where Every Note Counts!

From babies experiencing the joy of music for the first time to older kids honing their skills, Jammin With You provides a supportive, fun, and anything-but-boring environment for kids learning music. Our approach is to ensure that music is not just a subject but a key to unlocking a world of skills, potential, and passion!

Join us on this incredible journey of fun, learning, and music exploration! Don’t forget to contact us to schedule your kids’ music lessons.

Low-Stimulation Shows for Toddlers – Musical Programming

As a parent, you know there’s endless amounts of flashy, emotionally detached children’s media out there, and it’s hard to turn the spigot down. In an accompanying blog, we introduced the concepts/strategies behind “low-stimulation media.” In this article, we’ll explore why parents and kids embrace it openly and discuss some of the most popular low-stimulation shows for toddlers and kids on our YouTube page!

Understanding Low-Stimulation Shows for Toddlers

Low-stimulation media creatively approaches children’s content by prioritizing focused and engaged viewing experiences. Unlike media solely reliant on sensory overloads to keep kids’ attention, low-stimulation content aims to captivate children’s minds and emotions, encouraging interactive engagement with meaningful messaging.

While the term might be new, the essence of low-stimulation media has been present in radio and television for decades. Think of beloved figures like Mr. Rogers, who epitomized the ideals of positive behavior modeling and emotional intelligence. The magic lies in crafting fun and purposeful content, fostering a balance between entertainment and intentionality.

Crafting Fun and Interactive Content:

Our videos are a celebration of child development, blending entertainment and education seamlessly. By celebrating music as a fun and interactive activity for kids, we create engaging content and respect their cognitive growth, not to mention, honor the music!

Some Of Our Top Hits:

Join the Jammin’ With You family as we celebrate the joy of winter with catchy tunes and vibrant visuals. Winter Vacation Party is a delightful mix of music, fun, and togetherness that will have kids and families singing along in no time.

Let’s step into Candyland! Embark on a sweet musical journey with the Gumdrops Song, a lovely track filled with lively rhythms and colorful scenes; this video is a treat for the senses (warning, you may crave gumdrops), but It’s not just a song; it’s an invitation for kids to actively participate and immerse themselves music-driven fun. If sweets aren’t your thing ( I’m sure the kids would disagree), get ready for a popping good time with the popcorn kernel song!

These lively renditions are designed to spark joy and creativity in little ones. Through vibrant visuals and interactive elements, we turn classic sounds into an exciting learning experience – It’s what Jammin With You is all about!

Encouraging Confidence and Joy With Low-Stimulation Shows for Toddlers:

Our videos are more than just entertainment; they are tools to boost children’s confidence and help them feel good about themselves. By offering fun and fulfilling activities, we can help develop a positive and confident mindset in kids that can last their entire lives.

Low-Stimulation Doesn’t Mean Boring!

While our content is designed as low-stimulation, it doesn’t mean it lacks excitement or production value. On the contrary, the excitement in our videos and music classes is carefully crafted to drive active engagement and learning; each video is a gateway to a world where kids can learn, play, and grow while having a blast!

For more videos, explore our YouTube page with your little ones! Don’t forget to contact us to schedule online music lessons, group singing classes, or in-person kids’ music lessons.

An Introduction to Low-Stimulation Media

The world is filled with attention-grabbing, albeit emotionally hollow media for kids everywhere you look; the concept of “low-stimulation media” is like a breath of fresh air. While many parents aren’t familiar with the terminology, they can certainly appreciate the ideals of concepts behind low-stimulation media. Let’s discuss this unique form of children’s content and explore how it’s appreciated by parents and children alike!

What is Low-Stimulation Media?

Low-stimulation media is a creative approach to children’s content that prioritizes a focused and engaged viewing experience, keeping children’s minds and emotions attentive to the content’s messaging, not just the “flash and bang” of the presentation. The goal is to have kids engaged and participating in a fun/interactive way, not just because there are loud noises or distracting effects on the screen to excite the senses without purpose. 

Low-stimulation media for kids is not a brand new concept; the art has been on radio and television long before many of us were born, but it’s drawing greater contrast and attention to itself today compared to other productions for kids. While not affiliated with music directly, for most, Mr.Rogers (Fred) was one of the first notable greats in low-stimulation media. Media that passes the low-stimulation test is committed to modeling positive behavior and developing emotional intelligence. Now, that doesn’t mean the content is unanimated, boring, or lifeless, not by any means! It’s fun and engaging with purpose and intentionality.

JWY’s Approach to Low-Stimulation Media

Jammin With You’s video production philosophy is centered around the simple power of music, and the fun kids can have with it. Our videos are crafted with an understanding and respect for child development, blending entertainment and education while embracing how music is a fun and interactive activity/passion for kids. 

Our approach isn’t too different from, and often honors, the greats of children’s low-stimulation music media that have come before us. A team favorite is The Laurie Berkner Band’s “We Are The Dinosaurs” from the early 2000s. And, of course, predating most post-production and visual effects considerations, Raffi’s live video recordings from the 1980s.  

The Benefits of Low-Stimulation Media for Kids

High-stimulation content, prevalent in popular kids’ shows, can lead to behavioral issues and symptoms akin to addiction and withdrawal in children. It’s troubling to read, but the overstimulation caused by too much chaotic screen time has been linked to an increase in misdiagnoses of conditions like ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder. 

Low-stimulation media, in all its forms, combines things kids love, such as music in our case, with education and visual entertainment to create something fun/engaging without depending on sensory exploitation. 

Please reach out today to learn more about our video production philosophies and strategies. Also, ask about private music lessons, music classes for babies, and our JamBaby sessions!