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Kids Chorus – How Do I Know if My Child Is Ready?

Throughout most of the day, kids are told to quiet down and use their indoor voices, but in the kids’ chorus, they get to let their voices soar! The chorus is a place where showcasing vocal range is not only encouraged but celebrated. 

Is your child itching to express themselves and find a passion other than playing a sport or jamming on a musical instrument? Well, perhaps singing in a kids’ chorus is just the ticket! 

Forge Lifelong Friendships in a Kids’ Chorus Group

Joining a chorus isn’t just about singing but building long-lasting friendships. With over 42 million Americans singing in choruses, kids will find new buddies who share their passion for music and song. The excitement of performing together creates a unique bond like no other, and we see it all the time in our music programs.

Did you know that some of the biggest stars in the world, like Beyoncé and Hugh Jackman, started their careers singing in school and church choruses? Even former President Obama was once a choral singer! Chorus allows kids to start something they’ll cherish and enjoy for life while discovering their potential as musicians.

Kids Chorus – Enhance Academic Performance

Group singing classes aren’t just about musical arrangements; they can help kids excel in the classroom. Reading music, memorizing lyrics, and singing aloud all contribute to improved communication skills, increased vocabulary, and enhanced language abilities. Plus, the memorization strategies learned in group singing can be applied to other subjects.

Many choruses go on tours to exciting and faraway places, allowing kids to see the world and experience different cultures through music classes. Some choruses even compete in national competitions in other states.

Boost Self-Confidence

Standing up and singing in front of an audience takes guts and confidence, but kids don’t have to do it alone in the chorus. They stand alongside their peers, knowing their participation helps create a sense of communal pride and spirit. This boost in self-confidence carries over into other areas of their lives, empowering them to try new things.

No Equipment Needed for a Kids Chorus

Unlike other musical activities, chorus requires nothing more than your child’s voice and dedication! It’s a hassle-free way for kids to participate in music and explore their talents without great expense.

FAQs: Getting Started in a Kids Chorus

  • Does my child need musical experience to participate? Not at all! Choruses welcome kids of all skill levels and backgrounds. Our experienced instructors are here to provide the voice lessons your child needs to be a successful standout in a chorus. 

  • What if my child could be a better singer? Everyone has the potential to sing, and our trained vocal instructors are here to help your child unlock their musical abilities. Whether they need help overcoming vocal issues or learning to match pitches, we have the expertise to guide them every step of the way.

  • What’s the time commitment to be in a chorus? Most choruses rehearse for 1-2 hours per week, with some practicing up to 5-6 hours per week. Additionally, chorus singers are expected to practice independently to enhance their skills and musical progress.

Joining a chorus is an incredibly rewarding experience that can positively impact your child’s life for years to come – so why wait!? Sign your child up for private vocal lessons or group singing lessons today and see if they catch the signing bug; the chorus will be waiting for them whenever they’re ready. 

Contact us with any questions.